75 years of Cracow branch. Polish Kennel Club Cracow branch would like to
thank all for participating in XXVI International Dog Show Cracow 2024 as
well as accompanying national and club dog shows.
I would like to thank the whole team for your hard work and all effort you
put into organizing the shows - without you they wouldn’t have taken
place. My thanks and congratulations to all the judges and winners. Thanks
to honour and privilige to our patrons - the Deputy Marshall of the Polish
Parliament Mrs Dorota Niedziela who dedicated her time and was present on
our show as well as the President of Cracow city Mr Aleksander Miszalski.
We invite you on our shows 28-29th June 2025
The Board and the president of Cracow branch Małgorzata
Thank you so much to Vince Hogan Our Dogs for your help and support.
